IT Talent: The Unsung Heroes of COVID-19
The Biggest Bang for the Buck
Without a doubt, humanity wouldn’t survive without the talented doctors, nurses and other dedicated healthcare workers who have braved through this pandemic.
But who else has helped many organizations properly function during this crisis?
Everything I have learned over the past 24 years while being dedicated to connecting talent, prospects, and clients – has been proven correct during this pandemic.
Talent wins in keeping the organization operational!
While the world was hit with the pandemic, it was the IT team who worked tirelessly to allow organizations to move to a work from home model.
Whether you are dealing with a pandemic or the latest technology deployment, talent wins! Talent is the one key factor in success and the one single root cause for many failures. The best laid out plans and strategies are always dependent on the talent that is instrumental in implementation.
In today’s world, for every organization to succeed, it must ensure the seamless flow of its data. To do that, IT talent that needs to be accessible, nurtured, and in the case of this pandemic, protected.
It’s Not about the Technology
Year over year I saw the talent market inundated by the latest technology that was going to make the need to recruit and nurture talent obsolete. This pandemic has convinced me that technology is and always will be a tool. Tools need skilled operators to optimize their value. And, every organization needs to orchestrate their mix of people, process, and technology.
Knowing who those skilled operators are, where they are, and how fast you can get access to them is not achieved by the miracle of technology – although the tools can help with speed. Talent success comes from the skillful mix of art and science by people that specialize in the talent market.
The widening talent gap
The significant gap in talent has never been more prominent than right now. We have witnessed this in the healthcare industry, there are not enough people to help fight the virus.
As in healthcare, IT talent has never been more important to an organization’s success. The rush to a remote workforce has exposed numerous vulnerabilities both in support, process, and data security that top IT talent can solve for. The stakes are high and getting higher as the margin for error gets smaller. With a shortage of quality IT talent, identifying the top performers that drive outcomes is essential.
Minimizing disruption through the pandemic
The Talent Solutions team at MCPC has been sourcing the skilled workers needed to allow our clients to seamlessly keep working and optimizing their technology spend. For our many healthcare clients, this means improving their arsenal to keep fighting this virus. More importantly, the skilled talent we send out into the field is supported by a team of tech experts from MCPC, allowing our clients to be minimally disrupted through this new reality.
It was impressive to see our teams step up and help our various hospital systems in the fight. One team had set up in a room on a patient floor alongside the clinicians to keep the technology up and running while the clinicians were assisting patients. Although our team was at risk, they never complained, wanting to assist in a critical time of need.
Talent always wins. Talent will get us through this pandemic and help organizations succeed faster in the future.